Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hm... Looks like I started it today!


Anonymous said...

The Hetman vest is beautiful. I can hardley waite to knit it,but the pattern for the motif on the front is not with the pattern. Where can I find it and what does it stand for. Thanks D Simkins

O'Casey said...

Thank you for liking it!
This motive doesn't stand for anything special, as far as I know. I just copied it from one of the Ukrainian folk vests I saw in some costume encyclopedia. It is shown flat on one of the close-ups.

Kim & Tony said...

Beautiful sweaters. All of them. Thank you for sharing!

Kim & Tony said...

Thank you for posting such beautiful work! All of them are magnificent

Kim & Tony said...

Beautiful sweaters. All of them. Thank you for sharing!